Children and Infants
- Children should always be supervised by an adult when in or near to the hot tub.
- Children & elderly should take extra care as they may be more susceptible to the effect of the waters high temperature.
- Babies should never be allowed in the hot tub.
Seek Medical Advice Before Using the Hot Tub if You:
- Suffer from heart disease or circulatory problem.
- Are pregnant.
- Suffer from infectious skin disease sore or wounds.
- Are taking medication.
- Are feeling unwell and/or suffering from any medical conditions.
It is Not Advisable to Use the Hot Tub if You:
- Have eaten a heavy meal within 90 minutes.
- Are under the influence of alcohol.
- Are a child under the age of 4 years.
Please Be Aware That:
- A hot tub operates up to 40c
- Bathing time should not exceed 20 minutes at a time.
- Some costumes may fade after immersion in the hot tub.
- Too long exposure may result in nausea, dizziness or fainting.
- In an emergency contact reception.
How to Use the Hot Tub Safely:
- Try not to use the hot tub alone.
- Do not take breakable cups or glasses into the hot tub.
- Remove cosmetics and take a warm shower before use.
- If you feel ill at any time leave the hot tub immediately.
- Do not immerse your head under the water.
Operation of Hot Tub
- Before folding back, the covering please loosen the two Holding down Straps.
- Open and fold cover over the bar. The cover will then fold down the side of the hot tub.
- Press jet button once to activate low jets. Press again for the high jets.
- Press light switch on or off.
- There are two air controls for each side of the hot tub which can be turned on or off as required.
- On exit close cover and fixing. Hot tub will automatically go into hibernation.
- Please use only unbreakable glasses provided for drinks as glass will require emptying of the hot tub and possible damage to the filtration system.
- Please also remove jewellery for safety/damages purposes.
- Please do not hesitate to ask for help if you are unsure about using the hot tub or controls.
- Enjoy!
For your safety the water in the hot tub is changed after each guest and tested every day.
Showering before use of the hot tub is essential before and after use of the hot tub as body creams and hair products can cause a grease mark around the hot tub.
Please leave all jets open after use as the hot tubs will not filtrate and will go cloudy failure to do so may result in damage to the hot tubs internal capacitors and will incur charges.
If your stay is longer than 4 days your hot tub may require clean water during your stay. Also the water to be topped up or if required changed and cleaned.
Please read the safety instructions on your coffee table before use.
We hope you enjoy the safe use of the hot tub!