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Lodge Name: ArgusEagleGreylagGrouseOspreyOtterPartridgePheasantPine MartenPtarmiganRavenRed DeerRowanSalmonWildcatWintergreen
Check In Date:
Check Out Date:
How much did you enjoy your stay? Very EnjoyableEnjoyableSatisfactory
Please rate the following aspects of Wildside Lodges:
Helpfulness of Staff: ExcellentGoodSatisfactory
Cleanliness of Kitchen: ExcellentGoodSatisfactory
Cleanliness of Bathroom: ExcellentGoodSatisfactory
Cleanliness of Bedrooms: ExcellentGoodSatisfactory
Cleanliness of Lounge Area: ExcellentGoodSatisfactory
Information on the Area: ExcellentGoodSatisfactory
Our Grounds & Gardens: ExcellentGoodSatisfactory
Overall Accommodation: ExcellentGoodSatisfactory
Other Comments:
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How many times have you visited Wildside? 12345678910+
How would you describe Wildside in three words?
Could you recommend a day out or Restaurant/Pub?
What has been the best part of your stay?
Would you choose Wildside again? YesNo
Could we improve anything for a more enjoyable stay?
We'd love for you to leave us a review. You can do so on Google, Tripadvisor, or via the field below.
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